Mar 1

Cemeteries and Statesmen

Macaulay Church

History & heritage

The Prince Edward Historical Society hosts a double feature at Macaulay Church on March 1st.

Sandra Latchford, President of Glenwood Cemetery, is up first. In a follow-up to last year's popular talk on the Future of Cemeteries, you'll hear about new burial and memorializing options available at Glenwood and beyond, as well as an exciting new program for documenting grave sites that the public can access online.

From 12:30 enjoy a luncheon featuring traditional funerary foods from the 1950's through 1990's.

In the afternoon, Thomas Harrison will speak to (and officially launch) his book, "Searching for Richard Nixon: Finding Refuge and Making a Home in Prince Edward County".

A $10 ticket includes both talks and lunch.

Upcoming Dates & Times




23 Church Street Picton, ON
